《牛津小学英语3B》教案 篇1
我说课的内容是牛津小学英语教材3B Unit 8的第二课时。这是一节情景对话课,围绕“征询意见”这一日常用语展开。在第一课时中,学生已经能用“What would you like?”进行询问。能听懂会说a hot dog,a pie,a bar of choolate,a sandwich。本课时的教学内容为用“What about…?”进行征询意见。根据这一安排和学生的整体认识水平,从知识教学、能力培养等方面考虑,我确立本课时的教学目标为:1、能听懂会说I’m thirsty. What about…?No, I’d like….2、听懂会说soft drinks、a carton of milk、some bread、some rice。3、能运用所学句型进行对话表演和口语交际,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的英语学习能力。本课时的教学重点是:能听懂会说I’m thirsty. What about…?No, I’d like…. 听懂会说soft drinks、a carton of milk、some bread、some rice。 教学难点是能用“What about…?”征询别人意见以及soft drinks的正确发音。 为实现以上目标,我是这样设计教学过程的:一、Warming up1、Sing some songs.2、Play a game.快速呈现食物图片,做问答。(通过唱唱、问答的形式,不仅吸引学生的注意力,调动积极性,而且营造了学习英语的氛围。同时也为本课的教学作了知识的铺垫,构建了知识表象。)二、Revision(紧接着教师摸着肚子,作饥饿状)引导学生一起说出I’m hungry,围绕呈现的图片快速对话。(以对话的形式,唤起学生的记忆,使学生熟练运用旧知,同时对I’m hungry进行了渗透。)三、Presentation1、依次呈现some bread、some rice的图片。T: What would you like? Some bread?S: Sounds good.T: Here you are.Drill2、T: I’m thirsty.(教师作干渴状,引导学生边做边说I’m thirsty.)T: What would you like? Some juice?S: Sounds good.T: Here you are. 通过已掌握的句型新授a soft drink、a carton of milk。Drill(利用旧知,在已熟练了的交际语境中学习新单词,同时配以相应的图片,加深了对单词的理解,也降低了难度。并即使由师生操练转向生生操练,由模仿提高到运用,这符合学生的认知规律。)3、(呈现以上四幅新授图片)Make out some dialogues.(将单词融进有实际意义的对话中,充分体现在交际中教,在运用中学的理念,通过这种方式便于学生的理解和运用。)4、(请一名较突出的学生引导作干渴状):I’m thirsty.T: What about some juice?S: Great!Drill(教师作干渴状):I’m thirsty.S: What about some juice?T: (作摇手状)No,I’d like a soft drink.(呈现图片)Teach“a carton of milk”in the same way.Drill(在说的过程中予以图片加以配合,帮助理解;由模仿到练习,反复刺激学生的感官,增强学生对新知的理解和运用。)四、Practise1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape.2、Act out the dialogue.(在听读的过程中培养学生良好的学习习惯,通过演演的形式让学生在情景中练习达到掌握的目的。)五、consolidation1、Make a survey.2、Who’s the best?(师生示范表演为学生提供一个可操作的模式,以任务型的活动方式,通过合作学习,并予以评价知道,给学生提供平等的说英语的机会,鼓励学生在竞赛中学,这样既创造了轻松愉快、自然和谐的课堂气氛,又促进了交际活动的展开。通过“Apple Tree”的评价总结,让学生认识到集体目标的实现离不开个人的努力,激发其进一步追求成功的欲望。)六、Homework1、Read after the tape recording.2、Make up a dialogue in pairs.(将可内的学习延伸到课外,维持学生的学习兴趣。)
《牛津小学英语3B》教案 篇2
常州市兰陵小学 许丽华(共四课时,为了方便大家,本人将各课时分页了,请点"下一页"或页码阅读)一、 教学内容:牛津小学英语 3b第九单元第一课时二、 功能目标:学会简单的购物用语。三、 教学目标:1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语:can i help you? what color? how much is it?以及相应的回答。2、能听懂、会说表示服饰的单词:a vest, a tie, a hat, a cap, a belt.四、 教学重点:1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语:can i help you? what color? how much is it? 以及相应的回答。2、能听懂、会说表示服饰的单词:a vest, a tie, a hat, a cap, a belt.五、 教学难点:能听懂、会说日常交际用语:can i help you? what color? how much is it? 以及相应的回答。六、 课前准备:1、投影仪及图片:a vest, a tie, a hat, a cap, a belt.2、磁带及录音机。3、实物.七、教学过程:step1, revision:1、warming up:say the chant of 3b: what about going to the lake?2、free talk:①— good morning/afternoon. how are you? i like blue. what colour do you like? red?②—i’m hungry.—what would you like? a hot dog?—no.—what about a sandwich?—sounds good.—here you are.—thanks.step2, presentation:1、准备好实物,布置场景,教师扮演成一个服务员。t : good morning。s: good morningt: can i help you? what would you like?s : i’d like a hot dog.t: here you are.s: thanks.*help—can i help you? (看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读)2、老师假装不小心碰了一下事先放在讲台上的一个包。t: oh, my god! what’s this? a school bag! do you known what’s in it? let’s have a look. oh, look! it’s a vest. a red vest.*a vest--(看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读,同样的方式教授其它单词。)vest, vest, it’s a vest.i’d like a vest.what color do you like?blue. blue, blue t: what else in the school bag? let’s have a look. look! is this a vest?s: no, it isn’t.t: is this a tie?s: no, it isn’t.t: yes. it’s not a vest, it’s not a tie. it’s a cap.(在此教师要让学生注意单词tap与cap的读音比较,看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读,同样的方式教授其它单词。)*a belt.(用同样的方法教授新单词) 3、teacher acts the seller.t: can i help you?s: i’d like a vest, please.t: what color? white or red?s: white. ( help the pupil answer like this.)cap, cap, it’s a smart cap. cap, cap, i’d like a cap.what color? what color? what color would you like?white. white. a white smart cap.4、t :hello, s1.s1:hello, janel.t :shall we go to the supermarket.s1:ok. let’s go.s2: can i help you? ( ask one pupil acts as a seller.)t : i’d like a belt, please.s2: here you are.t : how much is it? s2: twenty yuan, please. ( help the pupil answer it like this. )t : here you are.*how much—how much is it? *twenty yuan, please.(listen to the teacher & look carefully, read after the teacher, then read one by one.)( show the pupils the prize mark, make them understand the chinese meanings. tell them how to say the prize. )step3, practice:1、打出parta1、2&3投影。talk about the pictures.2、pairs working. make dialogues using their own words.3.ask some students go to the front to act out the dialogue.step4, consolidation:1、 listen to the tape. read after it.2、 learn the chant on page32: hat and vest.3、 make sentences by themselves.4、 say the chant: model: cap, cap, it’s a smart cap. cap, cap, i’d like a cap.how much? how much? how much is it? twenty, twenty, it’s twenty yuan.step5, homework:1、listen to the tape after school.2、作一个社会调查:让学生去看看所教单词在现实生活中的真实价格,让学生更深刻体语言的运用。根据课堂上的例子自编chant.板书设计:
unit 9 shoppingcap, cap, it’s a cap. i’d like a cap. a beltwhat color? what color? a vestwhat color would you like? a tiewhite. white. i’d like white. a hathow much? how much? how much is it? a captwenty, twenty, it’s twenty yuan.
牛津小学英语 3b第九单元第二课时二、功能目标:学会简单的购物用语。三、教学目标1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语:what about…? it’s nice.以及相应的回答。2、能听懂、会说表示服饰的单词: socks, trousers, shoes.四、教学重点1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语:what about…?以及相应的回答。2、能听懂、会说表示服饰的单词:socks, trousers, shoes.五、教学难点能听懂、会说日常交际用语:what about…?以及相应的回答。六、课前准备1、投影仪及图片:socks, trousers, shoes.2、磁带及录音机。3、事先告诉学生要带好socks, trousers, shoes.七、教学过程step1, revision:1、 warming up: say the chant of 3b: hat and vest & the number song.2、free talk: ①— good morning/afternoon. how are you?②— t: can i help you?—s: i’d like a vest, please.—t: what color? white or red?—s: white.—how much is it?—it’s …yuan.( review the last lesson.)step2, presentation:1、 (the teacher acts as a seller, let the pupils act the customers.)t: good morning.s: good morning.t : can i help you?s1: i’d like a cap, please.t :what would you like? what about the red one?(老师出示红、黄两种帽子,帮助学生作出选择。)s1: yes. it’s nice. ( help him answer like this. )t : here you are.s1: how much is it?t : eighteen yuan, please.s1: here you are.*what about the red one?(看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读)2、 ask the pupils act the sellers, the teacher acts the customer.t : my shoes are old. they are not new. i’d like a pair of new shoes.(老师出示实物,帮助学生理解。)s1: what color?t : blue, please.s1: here you are.t : how much?s1: twenty-five yuan, please.t : here you are.* shoes. (看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读)//:what would you like?://shoes, shoes, i’d like shoes.what color? what color? what color would you like?blue, blue, i’d like blue.how much? how much? how much are they?thirty, thirty, they’re thirty.3、t :there are so many socks. red . blue... i’d like a pair of new socks.(借助实物,帮助学生理解。)s1: what color?t : brown, please.s1: here you are.t : how much?s1: ten yuan, please.t : what about eight yuan?s1: ok.t : here you are.* socks.(看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读)//:what would you like?://socks, socks, i’d like socks.what color? what color? what color would you like?brown, brown, i’d like brown.how much? how much? how much are they?eight, eight, they’re thirty.老师做出示范,学生模仿编儿歌。4、t : oh, trousers! how nice! i’d like a pair of new trousers.(借助实物,帮助学生理解。)s1: what color?t : yellow, please.s1: here you are.t : how much?s1: fifty-five yuan, please.t : what about thirty yuan?s1: ok.t : here you are.*trousers.(看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读)学生自己编儿歌。5、扩展:补充shirts,gloves。 t: boys and girls. let’s play a guessing game. ok? s: great.t: look, i have a bag. do you know what’s in it? can you guess? s:…t: look, they’re gloves. are they nice?s: yes.t: what about the red / yellow/green/… ones? are they nice?s: yes. they are nice.让学生在不同的情景中理解,并学会自己归纳在什么时候用what about the red one(s)? 以及how much are they/is it?step3: practice:1、打出parta3投影。talk about the pictures.2、 pairs working. make dialogues using their own words.step4, consolidation:1、 listen to the tape. read after it. do the exercises on the workbook.2、learn the chant on page32: what would you like?3、make sentences by themselves.model:what would you like?i’d like a jacket.what about the color?blue, blue.how much is it?it’s fifty-eight.what about thirty?ok,ok.学生自己用学过的物品来替换编儿歌。step5, homework:1、listen to the tape after school.2、copy the chant.板书设计:
unit 9 shoppingshoes, shoes, i’d like shoes. trouserswhat color? what color? sockswhat color would you like? shoesblue, blue, i’d like blue. shortshow much? how much? how much are they? glovesthirty, thirty, they’re thirty.
3b第九单元第三课时一、教学内容牛津小学英语 3b第九单元第三课时二、教学目标1、能熟练运用本单元所学的日常交际用语以及表示服饰的单词。2、 能在情境中学会句型what would you like?并做出回答。3、 学说歌谣 a red dress.三、教学重点能熟练运用本单元所学的日常交际用语以及表示服饰的单词。四、教学难点在情境中学会句型what would you like?并做出回答。五、课前准备让学生自由组成小小家庭。投影仪以及图片录音机六、教学过程:step1, revision:1、warming up: say the chant of 3b: hat and vest & what would you like? 2、free talk: ③— good morning/afternoon. how are you?④— t: can i help you?—s: i’d like a vest, please.—t: what color? —s: white.—t: here you are.—s: how much is it?—t: eight yuan.—t: here you are. ( review the lass lesson.)step2: practice & consolidation:1、 prepare many small clothes & toys.what would you like?a shirt, please.you can change the clothes & make the toys more beautiful.* what would you like?a shirt, please.(listen to the teacher & look carefully, read after the teacher, then read one by one.)2、 打出投影:(students’ book part e)listen to the tape & do the exercises. check the answer.3、 do the exercises on the workbook.4、 learn the rhyme on the students’ book: a red dress.step3, homework:listen to the tape after school and read the text. 3b第九单元第四教时一、教学内容牛津小学英语 3b第九单元第四课时二、教学目标1、 复习字母:a-n2、 能正确听、说、读、写字母 rr, ss, tt.3、 学习字母歌:a letter song- rst.三、教学重点:能正确听、说、读、写字母 rr, ss, tt.四、教学重点能正确发好/e/的音,把字母准确归类。五、课前准备字母卡, 录音机六、 教学过程step1. free talk:1、 小游戏:“摘苹果”(用简笔画画三个有a、e标签的箩筐, 让小朋友把含有相同音的字母苹果摘下来,放在相应的箩筐里。) aa: hh,jj,kkee: bb,cc,dd,gg2、背诵字母a-n: 3、.a game" what's missing?" 游戏规则:教师扇形出示大写/小写字母卡a—n,快速抽去一张并问“what's missing?"学生抢答少了哪张。4、朗读字母组合: ah bd ef ij cg khhk ef kg ji big bedil il mn mn 5、复习a-q的儿歌。 step2 presentation1 学习字母rr, ss, tt.的发音a 听老师示范朗读字母rr, ss, tt.的发音。b 分别跟读这三个字母的发音,注意用升降调。c 指导学生给字母找苹果[e]: ff,ll,mm,nn,ssd 找邻居e 拼读课文picture dictionary中的单词.f 学习《易捷儿统韵律英语》rst字母儿歌2 学习字母书写a 分别仔细观察rr, ss, tt.的书写。b 教师范写、学生书空、学生总结书写规则、练习书写 r由二笔写成,占一二两格,r由一笔写成,占中间一格 s由一笔写成,占一二两格,s由一笔写成,占中间一格 t由二笔写成,占一二两格,t由二笔写成,占中间一格step3 practise 1 完成练习册d部分2 听写字母组合step 4 homework抄写本单元字母大小写各三遍。